Luna & Mat er officielt en del af din browserhistorik
Luna & Mat are officially a part of your browser history
We like to roll our heads around creative ideas and we sometimes eat post-its for breakfast. If we were a scented candle, we would smell like beer and peanuts but with a hint of Evian. Sometimes we cry, but mostly we laugh so much we cry. That’s the most important things to say about us.
KVINFO - Donér dit comeback En kampagne, der sætter fokus på stigmatisering af den valgte abort.
KVINFO - Donate your comeback A campaign that focuses on the stigma around chosen abortion.
CULT - Energien til at bryde grænser En rebranding-kampagne.
CULT - Energy to push boundaries A rebranding campaign.
Unbound - #Needahand En kampagne, der kommer problematikken omkring onaniforbudet i amerikanske fængsler, til livs.
Unbound - #Needahand A campaign that focuses on the issues around the ban on masturbation in american prisons.
Shaker - Det dårlige selskab Produktbilleder og go-cards.
Shaker - The bad company Product shoots and go-cards.
Naturlig på Korsgaarden - Morten på Korsgaarden. En kampagne, hvis formål er at tiltrække gæster til glampingophold på Lolland i vinterhalvåret.
Morten på Korsgaarden A campaign that shall create interest in glamping experiences at Lolland during the winter.
SAD Mirror Et produkt der hjælper kvinder, der lider af seasonal effective disorder (SAD)
SAD Mirror Et product that helps women suffering from seasonal effective disorder (SAD)
8th Sea - Let's make waves Branding og produktdesign af bæredygtig laboratoriegroet fisk.
8th Sea - Let's make waves Branding and product design of sustainable lab-grown fish.
Tuborg - Musikken gør noget ved Tuborg En kampagne, der giver musikere mulighed for at påvirke smagen af grøn Tuborg.
Tuborg - The music does something for Tuborg A campaign that allows a range of musicians to affect the taste of a green Tuborg beer.
Amour Hotels - Unphub Love En service til din ferie og dit parforhold.
Amour Hotels - Unphub Love A service for your holiday and your love life.
Royal Unibrew - PIFT Lancering af ny shandy øl.
Royal Unibrew - PIFT Launching of a new shandy beer.